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Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) is one of the most demanding and successful leadership programs in the country. For years, Army ROTC has been creating leaders who go on to rewarding careers in the military and civilian worlds.

Syracuse University’s Army ROTC college leadership program offers a commission as a second lieutenant in either the active Army or Reserves/National Guard in a variety of career fields including Combat Arms (Aviation, Armor, Artillery, Infantry, or Engineers), Combat Support, and Combat Service Support branches. ROTC also provides you with discipline and money for tuition while enhancing your college experience. There are two-, three-, and four-year scholarship programs available, as well as funds for stipends and book expenses.

As a program, we recruit and retain quality Cadets who would best serve the Nation.  We educate and train Cadets on Army officership, Army Values, standards and operations.  Cadets are coached and mentored to be leaders of Soldiers.   Our result is quality Commissioned Army Officers of character, armed with the tools to succeed and ready to lead our Nation’s Soldiers.

Feel free to take a look at the Syracuse Army ROTC Facebook Page and Instagram Page to keep up with the day-to-day activities.

Have Questions About Joining?

For Admissions Questions & Coordination:
Eric Schaertl
(315) 436-3759

Colonel Sidney Mashbir

Colonel Sidney Mashbir, first ROTC commander at Syracuse Univesity

Syracuse University’s Army ROTC Stalwart Battalion traces its lineage to the Students Army Training Corps. The U.S. War Department reorganized the SATC into the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) in 1919 and established a permanent military department at Syracuse University that year.

Colonel Sidney F. Mashbir, the first ROTC commander at Syracuse University, wrote “it should be the aim of Syracuse University to maintain one or more units of the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) in order that in time of national emergency there may be a sufficient number of educated men, trained in Military Science and Tactics, to officer and lead intelligently the units of the large armies upon which the safety of the country will depend.”