Members of Syracuse University’s military-connected community recently traveled to Tempe, Arizona, to take part in the 19th Annual Pat’s Run, hosted by the Pat Tillman Foundation. Among the 29,000 participants, this year were four Syracuse University Tillman Scholars and two staff members who took part in the annual event honoring Patrick “Pat” Tillman’s legacy of service beyond self.
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Military-Connected Women at Syracuse Reflect on 75 Years of Women in the Military
On June 12, 1948, President Harry S. Truman signed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act into law, officially allowing women to serve as full, permanent service members in the military branches of the United States armed forces.
Continue ReadingU.S. Flag Retirement Station Established at National Veterans Resource Center
To commemorate the adoption of the stars and stripes on June 14, 1777, by the Second Continental Congress, Americans proudly celebrate Flag Day, June 14, by displaying the U.S. flag at their homes and businesses.
Continue ReadingVeteran Career Services Director, Jen Pluta, Selected for Prestigious Veteran Leadership Program
Two staff members from Syracuse University’s military-connected community have been selected as scholars for the 2023 Stand-To Veteran Leadership Program (VLP). Quiana Abner and Jennifer Pluta, who work for Syracuse’s D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF), and the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (OVMA), were selected as scholars by the George W. Bush Institute for the 5th annual cohort of the prestigious leadership program.
During PTSD Awareness Month Legal Clinic Helps Veterans Apply for Benefits They Have Earned and Deserve
Many veterans suffer from PTSD and may qualify for healthcare and compensation for their mental health conditions that resulted from their military service. “Veterans often face barriers when applying for their benefits through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The Veterans Legal Clinic strives to break down those barriers by advocating on behalf of veterans to connect them with benefits for treatment and support,” says Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic Executive Director Beth Kubala.
Continue ReadingMeet US Army Captain Bong Chi, Defense Comptrollership Program Military-Connected Student
Large, multinational organizations often deal with complex issues when it comes to the intersection of fiscal requirements and government regulations. U.S. Army Captain Bong Chi is among the group of financial professionals tasked with managing the Army’s budget and fiscal policies.
New Scholarship for Military-Connected Students Tackles Barriers for Studying Abroad
Spending a semester abroad can be a formative experience for college students, both traditional and non-traditional students alike, but military-connected students are often unable to enjoy the experience of studying abroad due to limitations with the G.I. Bill.
Academic and Government Leaders Tackle Challenges Facing Student-Veterans
Summit results in seven key takeaways and a commitment to improving the narrative.
Telling the Stories of War, Sebastian Junger Speaks with Newhouse’s Military Visual Journalism Students
Award-winning documentary filmmaker, journalist and author Sebastian Junger covered the dangerous frontier environment of Afghanistan’s civil war before the arrival of U.S. forces in late 2001 and embedded with U.S. forces in some of the most remote locations in the war-torn nation afterward.
Hometown Hero: The Inspiring Journey of United States Army Lieutenant Colonel David Sly
United States Army Lieutenant Colonel David Sly is originally from Rutland, Vermont, and he graduated as a Distinguished Military Graduate from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. David was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Military Intelligence Corps.