
Home Town Hero: Trayvon Wynn

U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Trayvon Wynn enlisted into the New York Air National Guard on May 14, 2015, as an Operations Manager and was assigned to the 174th Civil Engineering Squadron at Hancock Field in Syracuse, New York. Staff Sergeant Wynn provided support to the entire base ensuring the Hancock Field flight line and all facilities were always fully operational.

Air Force Veteran Stephen Woodard ’70 Returns to Campus With a New Perspective

tephen Woodard ’70, who served as a captain in the U.S. Air Force, was a proud Air Force ROTC cadet as a student at Syracuse University from 1966-70. He earned a degree in English literature from the College of Arts and Sciences and met his wife, Carol Woodard ’70, a graduate of the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. It was a time that was the foundation of his personal and professional life.

Home Town Hero: Janina Rios

United States Army veteran and Syracuse University undergraduate student Janina Rios enlisted into the U.S. Army in October 2010, and three days after her high school graduation she shipped out to Basic Training

Staff Member and Former Sergeant of the Guard at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Participates in Tomb’s Centennial

U.S. Army veteran Bart Womack proudly served for 29 years as an enlisted service member, deploying to such locations as Haiti, Kosovo and Iraq, and retiring as a command sergeant major. But it was his assignments as part of the military guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, that is a special highlight for him in service to his country.

National Veterans Resource Center Fulfills Our Duty to Those Who Have Borne the Cost of War

The dedication of the NVRC was delayed due to the pandemic, and that delay has afforded me time to reflect on the question I am most asked related to this new facility. That is, “why create an academic facility focused on veterans and their families at Syracuse University?” Reading between the lines, what I’m really being asked is “why should I care?”