
Faigle Family Donation Establishes Scholarship Fund for Student Veterans

Syracuse University is proud to announce The Gerald B. ’58, ‘59 and Roberta M. Faigle ‘60 Scholarship for graduate student veterans.  The gift will empower military veterans as the next generation of public and private sector leaders committed to service beyond self.

Kwang G. Tan G’73 Donates $5 Million in Support of National Veteran Resource Center

When Kwang G. Tan G’73, Ph.D. learned about the National Veterans Resource Center at the Daniel and Gayle D’Aniello Building (NVRC), he knew he wanted to support this new innovative center of research and hub of veteran life on campus. Tan is providing a $5 million gift toward this first-of-its-kind facility dedicated to academic research, programming and thought leadership that will address the social, economic and wellness concerns of the nation’s veterans and families.