United States Air Force, Master Sergeant, and Syracuse University Air Force ROTC Detachment 535 cadre member Alicia Gopee, hails from Brooklyn, New York. Master Sergeant Gopee enlisted into the United States Air Force on September 5, 2005, to become a Personnelist Journeyman, after residing in New York City and seeing firsthand, the direct impact of September 11th, 2001. She attended Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, and Technical School at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi.
Master Sergeant Gopee has 17 years of dedicated service to the Air Force and is the Non-commissioned Officer in Charge of all Personnel Actions for over 40 cadets. She is primarily responsible for all new Accession actions for each of the members assigned to Detachment 535, including Commissioning, Contracting, and Enlisting each member into the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), establishing each member’s security clearances, along with scheduling and processing all Rated members’ Flying Class physicals.
Prior to being assigned to Syracuse University, Master Sergeant Gopee was the acting Military Personnel Flight, Superintendent of the 436th Force Support Squadron at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware.
Her proudest military moment was when she was hand-selected this past summer to become the Non-commissioned Officer in charge of Future Operations at the Tactical Operations Command’s Field Training. There, she oversaw coordinating all logistical support for over 728 cadets aspiring to become future Air Force and Space Force Officers.