
Tony Ruscitto ’22 Puts a New Mission on His Horizon

We sat down and have an interview with SVO Vice-President and student veteran Tony Ruscitto’22. Read the interview below about how he decided to join the military and eventually find Syracuse University as his place for higher education

OVMA Announces 2022 Awards Celebrating Student Veterans’ Achievements

The Student Veterans Organization (SVO) and the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (OVMA) have presented two awards to student veterans in honor of their significant and notable achievements. The awards were distributed at SVO’s social held at the Inn Complete on South Campus on May 6.

Air Force ROTC Cadet Mykhaylo Rafalskyy Shares What Inpsires Him on His Mission

“My grandfather fought the Nazis, my father was in the military, so it was my turn,” says Cadet Mykhaylo Rafalskyy, a freshman Air Force ROTC cadet studying at Syracuse University. The current war in Ukraine is putting some extra urgency into his desire to serve as he was originally from Kyiv Ukraine.

Air Force ROTC Opens a World of Opportunity for Si Yun (Sara) Lim ’22

Si Yun (Sara) Lim absolutely knew she wanted to study international relations at Syracuse University, even if she didn’t know where she’d be heading at first. “I got my acceptance letter, and my mom asked me where Syracuse was. I had no idea,” Lim says. “I thought I was going to New York City.”

Nadia Morris-Mitchell ’24 is studying creative leadership through Syracuse University Global

Nadia Morris-Mitchell ’24 doesn’t have a lot of time to spare. As a National Guard member, part-time fitness instructor and full-time employee, she knows it’s crucial to balance her schedule. “I’m just that person who’s always running a million miles an hour,” she says. She had been interested in going back to school to gain greater management skills but was wary of the time constraints. So when a representative from Syracuse University came to speak with the veterans working with the U.S. Air Force at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base about continuing their education utilizing their flexible learning formats, she was intrigued.